Keep up to date with financial news from Lisa!
Do you know how much money you really spend?
Spending money is a personal decision, and Australians shouldn’t feel pressured into not splashing out on little luxuries, says wealth coach Lisa Barber. Here’s some good news if you love [...]
Tips – How much protection do you need?
I’ve got many clients who used to puff, pant and eye roll when they were getting quotes for insurance and they were asked the simple question, “how much do you [...]
Super and sex… there’s a lot of similarities
It's pretty hard to make people sit up and take notice of superannuation. It's something that we all need but often forgotten about, particularly by women. So I've been comparing [...]
How much is enough?
I’ve got many clients who used to puff, pant and eye roll when they were getting quotes for insurance and they were asked the simple question, “how much do you [...]
‘Lower, fairer and simpler’ tax, but I think they forgot something
My thoughts…(even though the excitement factor of this budget is just above zero, please hold your yawn) With tax cuts the centrepiece of the federal budget, they seem to [...]