Lisa Barber, your very own Personal CFO and wealth coach.
What are you doing today to take care of your financial future?
How can I help you?
Whether your finances keep you up at night or if they’re just niggling away at the back of your mind, reminding you that it’s time to give them some attention, there is a way to put your mind at ease with some good, sound financial advice.
If your plan is to lead a great life, financially secure, confident in your investments and working towards your retirement goals, we need to work together.
If your head is well and truly in the sand, with no real grasp on what you’re spending, taking a sideways glance at your super statements and hoping that financially everything will be OK… forever, then we really need to work together!
If you’re somewhere in the middle and need advice or a Plan B in case Plan A doesn’t work out or even just a roadmap to figure out how you’re going to get to where you want to go financially, then we need to work together too.
Whether you’re looking for a wealth coach or a financial adviser, someone to help you with your investing strategy or someone to help you manage your spending, I would love to help.
My aim is to empower you financially so you have confidence, control and clarity when it comes to your money and your financial future.
All it takes is a plan and some action. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s or even 50s, but the earlier you start, the better.
Take action now and put your future as a priority.
You deserve to have financial security.
My work is devoted to helping you achieve it.
You’re working hard and you want your money to work just as hard – or even harder. You don’t have time or perhaps the skill set to manage your portfolio yourself to optimal performance. You want the security and reassurance that comes from knowing that your money is in good hands, your wealth plans are on track and you’re achieving your goals. You need a well executed financial strategy.
You need a Personal CFO, and that’s where I can help.
I’ve been managing portfolios from $50K to $20m+ for more than 20 years, I’ve helped hundreds of clients develop, implement and manage wealth creation plans. I am Personal CFO to a select few clients, offering them a tailored service, specific to their needs and goals. I monitor your investments, advise on strategy, report and respond to changes. Your wealth will be in good hands.
You don’t have anyone to talk with about your finances. You’re either single or you and your partner don’t talk about money. You’re not sure if you’re managing your money well or if you could be doing better. You need someone to bounce ideas around with, to talk plans and strategy, to dream and think about your future.
You need a financial confidant.
For more than 20 years I’ve been working one-on-one with clients to help them define their financial goals and manage their money and investments to achieve those goals. I’ve been their sounding board, their cheer squad, their problem solver. I’ve listened to their fears and helped find ways to put those fears to rest and their mind at ease. I’ve helped them achieve their dreams, or, at the very least, get them on the path towards achieving their dreams.
I can be your financial confidant.
You know you should be doing something towards managing your finances, but you just don’t have time. You know you should be taking an interest in your Super, but you’re just not really interested. You’re having moments of panic when you think about how you’re going to fund your retirement, but then put it in the too-hard basket. You thought you’d be further ahead financially by this age, but you just haven’t got started yet.
You can’t really afford a financial planner, but you have to do something. Wealth coaching is for you.
I’ve created a course that you can work through at your own pace based on my 20 years of experience working with people just like you. This course teaches you how to gain more control over your finances and identify what’s most important to you. Based on that information, you can then create a plan to help you achieve your goals – and put safeguards in place in case things don’t go according to plan.
I want you to be financially robust, confident and prepared for change.
I want you to be knowledgeable about your financial plan and your investing strategy.
I want you to have clarity around your financial position, comfort in your decisions and control in your spending.
I want you lead the best life you possibly can, without financial worries or hardship.
By paying attention now, we can work together through whatever stage of life you’re at, and create a plan for your future. A plan that meets your goals, in your timeframe.
Which list do you best relate to?
Wealth Management
You earn a substantial salary and have accumulated significant wealth but you think it could be working harder.
You don’t have the time to invest in getting the best return from your investments.
You want to set yourself and your family up for your future.
You want to entrust someone to manage your investments.
You want personalised one-on-one service, knowing that someone has a close eye on your investments.
Financial Confidant
You’re in a good financial position but you have no one to talk to about money, investments or financial goals and plans.
You think you’re doing OK, but could probably do better, but you need a sounding board.
You want to make sure you set yourself up well for the future.
You want have a Plan B in case Plan A doesn’t work out as you’d hoped.
You want personalised one-on-one advice from someone you trust.
Wealth Coaching
You’re starting to earn good money but not yet in a position to invest in a financial planner.
You have some time to invest in learning how to manage your money.
You want some practical tips to set yourself up for your future.
You feel a bit sick when you think of all the money you’ve wasted and you know that things have got to change.
You’re looking to upskill yourself and need an affordable option.
What are you doing today that will make a difference to your tomorrow?
Depending on your needs and your budget, I can work with you as your Personal CFO, your Financial Confidant or your Wealth Coach.
If you have time and an eagerness to learn, enrol in my online course, Women of Wealth (WOW), or purchase my book, A Woman’s Guide to Wealth: What My Mother Needed to Know.
I’m here to help you gain the financial tools, confidence and the knowledge that you need, in every way I can.