What matters most to you? Here’s a list of the things my clients have ranked as most important to them.

  1. family safety and security
  2. financial security
  3. job security
  4. adventure
  5. health and wellbeing
  6. lifestyle
  7. love and happiness
  8. education
  9. financial independence.

Does your list look similar?

No-one has ever come into my office saying, ‘What’s important to me is having insurance, a will and/or having my superannuation sorted’. Ironically, these are also the strategies that help you achieve everything on the list above.

Statistics tell us the unexpected does happen – to all of us at some point in our lives. If you can believe it, we are all going to die. Shocking, huh? Feeling uncomfortable about contemplating our own mortality and that of the people we love is natural, but we all have to face it sooner or later.

Many people seek out my help in times of crisis, like the death of a loved one or a poor health diagnosis. In my experience, the last thing anyone wants to be concerned with in these circumstances is ‘Can I afford to deal with this?’ I can’t stress to you how important it is to ensure you have controls in place to protect what’s important in times of crisis.

I’m not talking about bulletproof jackets and security alarms. I’m talking personal protection against the inevitable: death; as well as the unexpected: disablement, illness and/or injury.

How well are you protected?

What will happen to those people/things that matter most to you if you don’t protect yourself?

It’s a good thing to think about and plan for… just in case.