Save $10K in a day

Mummy blogger Chantelle Ellen of Fat Mum Slim fame, has recently blogged about saving $10k in one day – she actually corrected herself and said it was more like one hour.

She did this by taking an active interest in her bills, ringing her service providers, five to be exact – her energy provider, the bank that her mortgage was with, her insurance company, Foxtel and the phone company – and asked for discounts or better offers.

She also logged onto and rolled all her Super into one account.

Just by doing these things, taking an interest and putting some time and effort into it, she saved her family $10K a year!

That’s $100k over 10 years – by doing nothing other than paying attention and shopping for better deals. Wouldn’t that be nice!!

This is what I mean when I talk about plugging holes in your cashflow.

Are you leaking money? Do you know where the holes are?

Do you know what your cashflow it?

If you want a practical guide that can step you through how to regain control of your finances, my book, A Woman’s Guide to Wealth, will do just that. For just $30 you can change your future.

Buy it now, or enrol in my course, or email me if you want some personal TLC.

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