- Go large: when you’ve created a future for yourself that excites you but you’re not quite sure how you will achieve it and it scares you, then you’re probably on the right track.
- Prioritise: look at all the key areas of your life: family, health, friends, work and hobbies, and identify which areas you feel most unfulfilled. Make these a priority.
- Ask yourself: if you could have the life of your dreams, what would lit look like, where would you be living, and who would be with you and why is it important?
- Control what you can control: life will always throw roadblocks, obstacles and setbacks you haven’t planned for. Deal with every situation as it comes and don’t compromise on what’s important to you.
- Believe it: if you can’t believe it’s possible, then either change the goal or change the way you think about it. Be mindful that you’re not changing it because it frightens you. It should frighten you!
- Take action: ask yourself today, “What are the three things I could do to bring my plan that little bit closer?” – and take action.
- Write it down: writing down your plans makes them more real and clearly identified.
- Tell people: telling people about your plans puts it out into the world, bringing accountability and excitement.
- Stay focused: it’s so easy to get distracted with day-to-day living, but stay focused each day and have a little reminder of the BIG fame you’re playing.
- Check-in, review/revise: it’s always a good idea to check your progress. Have you done what you said you would do in the timeframe you set yourself? If not, ask yourself why; if yes, then celebrate!